Rules; What Rules?

Rules; What Rules?

Scripture of the Week: II Timothy 2:5 “ Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules.”

If you have not heard about “Inflate-gate”, then you probably are not a big sports fan. The New England Patriots are under investigation for deflating eleven out of twelve footballs in the first half of their win over the Colts two weeks ago. In a time when the Middle East is in turmoil and domestically we face our own challenges, Inflate-gate tops the news! Is it a big deal? In some respects it is because sports drive a large portion of our culture.


Baseball may be America’s pastime, but the NFL rules in terms of media and promotion. The Super Bowl is almost a national holiday. Thank God the game doesn’t start in the morning. It would pose an ethical choice for Christians. Would we sacrifice worship for chips, cold drinks, commercials and football? On the issue of Inflate-gate, I observe that people lean one way or another depending on whether you like or dislike the Patriots. I confess, I like the Patriots and I am hoping that the coach and the team leader are not responsible for breaking the rules. I have heard that all teams do things to get an edge against their opponents. Does that make it right? Do rules matter? It would be hard to play any game or sport without rules. Life is the same way. God has laid down rules for us to follow. One rule is that we must rest from work. The Sabbath or now Sunday for the Church is a gift from the creator. He rules that His creatures are to have fifty two vacation days to rest from work. If we do not rest, we will experience a numerous amount of hardships. God’s rules are for our benefit. They help us play the game of life with liberty, joy and meaning. As a recovering sinner, I realize that in my own strength, I cannot do a perfect job in following God’s rules. In fact, I do a pretty bad job without relying on His power and grace. I confess I am a work in progress, and I need to stay in touch with Jesus so He can teach me how to do a better job. The rules of the game for the Gospel is faith, hope and love. We are to put our trust in Jesus for our standing with God. Our hope of the Kingdom which is validated by the resurrection of Christ, is our goal that gives life purpose and meaning. Our love is the love of Spirit as we choose to be like Jesus in word and action. Let us continue to live by the rules of the game and win the prize of a life well done! P.S. Go Patriots!

Called to Convert?

Called to Convert?

Does God call us to convert people into Christians?

Is there a difference between persuasion and conversion?

The author and pastor John R.W. Stott wrote years ago that evangelism must be preceded by dialogue.  Most of us are not salespeople.  If we feel that God wants us to sell Him to those outside our faith, we will most likely back off.

I remember having a pastor come to my house to recruit me for his church.  He bragged about how many people came to Christ through his ministry.  He actually pulled out his Bible and showed me his “scalp belt”.  No kidding!  If I showed you my belt after forty three years of walking with Jesus, you might think I am a loser!

I have a really hard time engaging in “evangelism” if it is all about numbers and not people.  The times that God has given me to help people find Jesus, it had more to do with dialogue and building a genuine relationship than trying to convert them.

I have come to the conclusion that we do not covert people!  That is God’s business.  As the Apostle Peter mentions in the verses of the week, we are to help guide others seeking by answering their questions and providing a Christ like example to them.  If by God’s timing someone is ready to make a step of faith, we should be prepared to pray with them and lead them to receive Jesus.

The series; World Views, is designed to help us understand our own view of the world and how those outside of Christ see the world.  Having a respectful dialogue with others can provide us with insight on how they see reality and how they perceive our view of the world. It gives us the opportunity to define terms and explain perspectives.  My contention is that a large percentage of people outside of Christ have a tarnished view of the faith.  Hopefully, we can step in and share our story and provide clear answers to people’s questions.  But it is more than an intellectual and relational process.  The real issue for every person on this planet is the deep spiritual longings that only God the Creator can meet.  One unique aspect of the Christian world view is that the future is now present in Jesus.  Through His coming into this world and going to the Father, He has poured out the Holy Spirit and is able to meet everyone’s deepest longings.  My prayer is that we at Eagle Rock Covenant can be a conduit for hungry people to find God’s amazing life in Jesus.

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What Wouldn’t Jesus Do?

What Wouldn’t Jesus Do?

Scripture of the week: Matthew 5:43-48
Pastor’s blog: I have a problem!  My problem is with Jesus’ words and my desire to see justice in the face of evil.  Our Western culture is under attack by Islamic extremists.  They are waging war in the name of Allah.  It is a global war against Christians, Jews, secularists and members of their own religion.  They target the innocent and want to eradicate the very freedoms that have made Western Civilization what it is.  Last week in Paris is just an example of the many acts of evil done to non-combatant citizens.  I confess that I am happy when they are killed!  How can I love my enemies and pray for them and also feel a sense of satisfaction when justice is served?  Is Jesus out to lunch?  Is He relevant in the face of human evil?  If He was going to be be-headed on the internet by these monsters, would He forgive them and pray to the Father that they did not know what they were doing?  Would he want us to pray that U.S. special forces would come and rescue Him and possibly kill His perpetrators?  Would He want us to pray for rescue and justice?  It would have to take a monumental act of the Spirit of God for me to love my enemies and pray for their good.  Sometimes it is just hard enough to love slow drivers and those who get angry with me on the road.  My mind can wrap itself around the idea of God ordained governments and the execution of justice.  We need to do all we can to eradicate global terrorism. My mind is also shaped by my worldview of God, Jesus and the kingdom.  God’s kingdom will never be established through human government.  He is establishing His rule and reign by transforming human hearts by the power of Jesus.  My first responsibility as a Christian is to pray for my enemies and love them even in their lost condition.  I do not believe I have to abandon my desire for justice in the face of my Christian responsibility to love.  I just confess that it is not easy to reconcile both justice and grace. I thank God for the Holy Spirit and His power to help me with this moral and ethical problem.  Let us continue to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.  They face these existential problems every day!  God give us the grace as these problems become more of a reality in our own world. Amen.

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